52 Week Challenge

52 Weeks of Susan's Life

Week 20 – #35 On The River


Schuylkill River, Boatouse Row, Philadelphia, RowingSchuylkill River,Boathouse Row, Philadelphia, Rowing


One thing I used to love to do in Philadelphia was to go down to Boathouse Row on the Schuylkill River and watch the rowing teams. “Boathouse Row is a Historic site located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on the east bank of the Schuylkill River, just north of the Fairmount Water Works and the Philadelphia Museum of Art. It consists of a row of 15 boathouses housing social and rowing clubs and their racing shells. Each of the boathouses has its own history, and all have addresses on both Boathouse Row and Kelly Drive (named after famous Philadelphia oarsman John B. Kelly, Jr.” Local Universities row out of the boathouses on Boathouse Row.

Unfortunately I was unable to take this photo after dark when the boat houses are outlined in LED lights giving them a gingerbread house appearance.  The lights change colors according to the season, holiday or event, reflecting into the Schuylkill River.

Boathouse Row is a National Historic Landmark and was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1987


Author: susanbeausang

What inspires a photographer?  My journey began taking product photos for my business.  I had a company that provided fashionable headscarves to women and girls with medical hair loss. Photos needed to be updated constantly and the expense of a photographer led me to my first camera about 5 years ago.  I’ve since sold the company but my love for photography has continued to grow.   I’m constantly looking for new places, people, food, new colors – just about anything and everything appeals to me through my lens.   Suddenly light shapes, colors, textures, people, buildings, trees, flowers…. everything around me looks different when I start to see the world as a photographer. For me, an image captures more emotion than your native eye or a written word.  Lingering on images that I have taken and reliving the scene, person or thing is like reading my favorite story over and over again only with the benefit of a visual companion.  I love to study the light and the composition and see how I can tell the story through the lens.  Everyday objects can be exciting when I think of them as capturing a moment in time. Once I started to notice details I realized there was beauty all around me.   My photography allows me to share my perspective with others; it allows me to tell my story and for that I am grateful.  As the lens opens to capture an image, so do my eyes. Susan M. Beausang- susan@smbphotos.com - www.smbphotos.com 8049 Tybee Court, University Park, FL 34201 215-421-9668

4 thoughts on “Week 20 – #35 On The River

  1. The buildings look so pretty against the bank of the river. What a great idea for the theme!


  2. Very pretty scene. I can magi e the lights.


  3. The lights are magical. I was disappointed not to be in a position to photograph the boathouses with the lights. Here is a link to see the boathouses with the lights….https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1760&bih=824&q=boathouse+row+philadelphia+pa&oq=boat+house+row+&gs_l=img.1.0.0i10l10.1638.4260.0.6313.….0…1ac.1.64.img..0.15.806.wgJ-gpsIgPQ#imgrc=45e-YRm04RqkWM%3A


  4. Memories of seeing these come flooding back — great pictures!

    Liked by 1 person

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